Important Note
This is the documentation for gluestack-ui v2 (beta). For @gluestack-ui/themed (stable) documentation, refer to gluestack-ui v1.


Accessibility is an important aspect of web and native development, and at gluestack-ui, we strive to make our components accessible to all users. In this section, we will discuss the accessibility features of our components.

WAI-ARIA Guidelines

gluestack-ui follows the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices guidelines to ensure our components are accessible to users of assistive technologies. The WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices document provides guidance on how to create accessible widgets, navigation, and behaviours using WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties.

Browser and Assistive Technology Testing

We test our components in a wide selection of modern browsers and commonly used assistive technologies to ensure accessibility. Our testing includes screen readers such as NVDA and JAWS, as well as keyboard navigation and other assistive technologies.

Accessible Component Props

gluestack-ui components come with built-in accessibility features such as keyboard navigation and support for screen readers. We provide additional accessibility props for our components, such as aria-label, aria-labelledby, aria-describedby, role, tabIndex, and more.

Keyboard Accessibility

All components are fully navigable and operable using a keyboard, providing an optimal experience for users who cannot or prefer not to use a mouse or touch screen.

Focus Management

We also provide focus management for our components to ensure a smooth and intuitive experience for keyboard users. When a component gains focus, we ensure that it is visually highlighted and that the focus order is consistent with the DOM order.

Screen Reader Accessibility

All components include appropriate ARIA roles, states, and properties to ensure proper communication with screen readers and other assistive technologies.
We are committed to making our components accessible to all users, and we will continue to improve our accessibility features as we receive feedback from the community.